C Tutorial -6 (Pointers, pass by value, pass by reference)



// Q.2 Passing a pointer j to a function and printing its address.

void print_address(int* j){

printf("%d\n", j);

printf("%d", *j);


// Q.3 Program to change the value of a variable to ten times of its current value using pass by reference.

void change_value(int* k){

k = 10 (*k);


// Q.4 Function to calculate the sum and average of two numbers using pointers.

int* sum(int a, int b){

int c = a+b;

int ptr = &c;

return ptr;


float avg(int a, int b){

float c = (a+b)/2.0;

float * ptr = &c;

return ptr;


int main(){

// Q.1 address and value of a variable using a pointer.

int a = 5;

int* j = &a;

printf("%p\n", j);

printf("%d", *j);

// Q.2 Printing the address of a variable i.

int i = 5;

int* j = &i;

printf("%d\n", j);


// Q.3

int i = 5;

printf("value before change: %d\n", i);


printf("value after change: %d\n", i);

// Q.4 Printing the address of sum and avg functions;

int a = 5, b = 4;

int* ptr1 = sum(a, b);

float* ptr2 = avg(a, b);

printf("%p\n", ptr1);

printf("%p\n", ptr2);

// Q.5 Program to print the value of a variable i by using "pointer to poinnter" type of variable.

int i = 5;

int* j = &i;

int** k = &j;

printf("%d", **k);
